9 Awesome Ways to Improve your Internet Marketing Blog

In need of an internet marketing blog for your company in NH? SearchPro Systems is the solution for you

You’re a digital company trying to make waves in the online world and you have an amazing blog filled with great content, but there’s just one problem, no one is reading it. In today’s world just having a blog isn’t enough, it’s only the first step. Every blog needs to get marketed, promoted, put out there so people will know about it. Sure, you may have a great internet marketing blog, but what’s the point if no one is reading it? Here are nine surefire tips to help you get your internet marketing blog out to the masses.

1. Leverage Employees and Customers

Contact customers and employees via email or other communications and ask them to comment on a blog post. Also encourage them to share the blog posts with others in their social circles and through social media. This is a quick way to increase your blog’s exposure.

2. Include your Blog in Traditional Communications

Promote your blog in print and “traditional” electronic communications like email signatures and business cards. Make sure to include the link to your blog in emails and encourage people to leave comments as well if they like the posts.

3. Write Guest Blog Posts

Write guest blog articles for other industry blogs and get them posted. Make sure to include a link back to your blog and get credited for your contribution. This will expose you to a new audience and drive traffic to your own blog.

4. Get Active in Online Communities

Identify online communities consisting of your target audience and then listen and become active in those groups. Simply answer questions and establish yourself as a leader. Other members will check our your profile and may become readers of your blog. Social media is your friend, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, answer questions in those places and you’ll build a community in no time.

5. Mention Media and Influencers

By mentioning influencers in your content, you increase the likelihood that they will share your content with their audience. This helps build credibility and influence. Once you’ve created a post that mentions someone, go right to Twitter and share it with your audience and then mention that person in your tweet. This will increase the chance of them seeing it and re-tweeting it to their followers.

6. Investigate Content Networks

Content networks are sites and services that exist to aggregate content on a certain topic. In order to find the best fit for your internet marketing blog, spend some time researching those sites to find the one that’s best suited for your purposes.

7. Invite Guest Contributions

Invite guest authors to contribute to your blog. This creates an opportunity for them to share your blog with their online and offline networks. This can help increase the amount of new visitor traffic to your internet marketing blog.

8. Hold a Contest

Make sure to engage your readers in an easy to enter contest. The contest could be sharing a link to your blog for others, for leaving the most comments, or something else. The prize could be something as simple as a free gift bag of goodies related to your business.

9. Mix Up Content

By mixing up the types of content on your internet marketing blog you can increase blog readership and engage your readers more. You can attract new readers from outside sources by uploading a video to Youtube for example. By adding content to a large content network you increase chances of new blog readers seeing it and visiting your blog.