Why social media marketing is your ROI superstar

Think social media marketing is a waste of your company’s time? Think it’s a cost you would rather not commit to? Think again. Your social media marketing efforts are an investment, not a cost, and there is no better ROI superstar around. Some recent research from Social Media Examiner and Hubspot reveal that well over […]

Voice search is already here. Are you ready?

Voice search is here but how many small businesses are prepared for that? Not as many as one might think. In fact, there has been some recent marketing research that has found that many professional marketers believe it is over rated and far too hyped. Unfortunately for them, search god Google doesn’t think so. As […]

To dominate the search results, you need these keys in place

If there is one thing you are focused on with your SEO marketing strategy, it is rankings. Google, of course, is the god of search and dictates what companies must do to stay competitive with regard to search rankings. The are several keys that have remained constant with Google and if you are not integrating […]

This is where your SEO needs to be right now

No one needs to be told that the speed of business these days moves like lightning. Your SEO and social media marketing strategies need to be as flexible and as evolving as they can be to accommodate for this continued speed. While Google continues to tweek things that don’t need tweeking and fixing things that […]

Why your mobile marketing needs to be doing these things

Your SEO marketing efforts need to pivot toward mobile marketing and it needs to do it quickly. If you haven’t already begun optimizing for mobile, you are already so far behind that it is going to take you a while to catch up. There are several major reasons for your company to be reaching a […]