Internet Marketing Blog

To blog or not to blog seems to be a question many small business owners and entrepreneurs seem to ask themselves on a regular basis. Will blogging actually help your marketing and branding efforts? Will it assist, and even boost, your SEO strategy? There has been plenty of recent research done that gets a handle […]

There are times when social media is nothing but shifting sand. If your business and your marketing efforts don’t keep a watchful eye on that shifting sand, then it just may be likely that there will be potential business that you will miss out on. Adapting to the ever changing social media winds has never […]

Many businesses and employees have been forced to work remotely of late. Yet, despite this, no one seems to understand what it actually takes to work remotely. Most people can’t do it. They don’t have the right mindset or self discipline . Of course, these days, no one, especially politicians, cares about that. In a […]

Video has evolved into one of the most powerful marketing tools that any business, regardless of size, must employ to stay competitive these days. Video is versatile and can readily engage and move the viewer from being a passive observer to and engaged buyer. When stepping beyond the bounds of your company website, it can […]

As the world begins to tiptoe back out into some manner of normalcy, many are still relatively confined and politicians continue to make it difficult for many businesses across many industries to get up and running again. Now may just be the perfect time to crank up a little social selling.The social selling strategy is, […]

When it comes to data and intel that will keep your business ahead of the competition, there can never be enough. In a recent report published by Buffer, they gathered together some little known stats about social media that will keep you out in front for good. Here is what they found taken directly from […]

Does social media proof really matter to the success of your business?  Social media is one of the main focus points in the building of any business and brand. Without it, you will find yourself falling far behind your competitors that do. It is all about being visible and staying visible. It is all about […]

Coming up at the end of November is Small Business Saturday. Last year, in 2018, over 112 million American shoppers spent a whopping $17.8 billion at American small businesses and Main Street extravaganzas. Over 60% of USA small businesses stated that the day made an enormous impact on their holiday sales as well as on […]

Ecommerce success depends largely on whether or not a business can project both credibility as well as trust. This is not an easy thing to do especially in today’s world where everyone is in a hurry and attention spans have shrunk to almost nothing. The challenge is that, for the consumer, there is a certain […]

The latest research from the Pew Research Center has been taking aim at the social media platforms and where, exactly, everyone is. Pew sampled over one thousand people to determine the social media platforms that are getting the most traffic and why. It also wanted to highlight the differences, if any, between adults and teenagers. […]