Your business doesn’t need managers, it needs leaders

Why do some small businesses succeed, and thrive, while others struggle and die within a couple of years? The answer is rather simple. Those businesses that thrive and overcome risk are led not managed. Leaders are far above mere managers, or worse, simple bosses. You may not have been born a natural leader but you […]

How your online rep can affect your future

One prevalent risk today that is generally ignored by most entrepreneurs and small business owner’s is that of their reputation especially their online reputation. What is most important in this regard is how to handle this risk across several platforms. Your reputation is affected online mostly through consumer comments and your social media elements. Customer […]

Is your business geared for survival?

The challenges you face everyday as an entrepreneur and small business owner can be quite daunting. Running a small company isn’t just about you and your product or service. It is, also, about your employees. If you can bring them in, get them to work as a team, get them to understand that they are […]

Is social media still a good bet?

Can a small business survive these day without a solid social media marketing strategy? As the economy continues to stagger along, it may be time to examine just how effective social media marketing can be for your company. There is some recent research released by SproutSocial that just may give you a better handle on […]

Why a company’s culture really matters

There are those companies out there who seem to be doing everything right. Operating a small business involves so many risks, so many unpredictable factors that what you really need is a company culture that will truly foster success. A successful culture, of course, starts at the top with you. It is you that everyone […]

How email can be your secret weapon

With so much to be concerned about regarding your business, it can be easy to overlook a potential marketing weapon that can help your company immensely. One of those weapons is email. A well structured and consistently deployed email campaign can infuse new vibrancy into your business with regard to driving traffic and making those […]

Why your SEO strategy needs to get stronger

Search engine optimization will continue to be your best strategy with regard to building your brand and driving traffic. Unfortunately, there are still too many  small businesses that are simply allowing their SEO efforts to lapse into irrelevance. SEO is the foundation upon which rests the success or failure of all of your online marketing […]

How social media influencers are gaining trust

social media management

It seems that more and more consumers are more willing to trust social media influencers over individual brands. This seem especially true for the younger, consumer oriented generations. Social media, and the online communities that spring up, have become quite influential with regard to how many shoppers are choosing products and brands. Some recent research […]

Can small biz overcome these formidable challenges?

Even in the most ideal of conditions, things are never easy for the small business owner. It seems that every time a small business owner turns around there is yet another obstacle placed in the road. So, what are the obstacles currently laying in the road? The US Chamber of Commerce recently partnered with MetLife […]