How to turn potential clients into raving fans

Sure, every small business and consultant is always on the hunt for prospects and new clients but the truly successful ones have one thing in common. Perhaps the most glaring success is that they were not one hit wonders. They were not successful overnight and they never churned and burned regarding clients and customers. The […]

Your social media customer service will make you or break you

There is nothing more critical to your survival as a business than the customer service skills of your employees. Those business owners that do not properly train every one of their employees with regard to this crucial skill will find themselves without a business in a rather short period of time. The most effective way […]

Business ready to grow? Here’s how to tell…

Taking your business to the next level can be a tricky thing. Have things been going reasonably well of late? Employees are happy and productive? Sales keep coming and margins keep growing? It is often difficult to try and determine when the right time is to grow a business. Here are a few signposts, however, […]

Can you save money on your ecommerce strategy and still grow?

Every business, regardless of size, is forever trying to shave some pennies from every department they can in an effort to increase margins and to stay competitive. There is no more competitive arena than ecommerce right now. Businesses of all sizes are are throwing everything they have at it of late. Especially the big boys […]

If your content marketing hasn’t worked, try this…

It is quite critical to your business as well as your SEO and social media marketing to get your content shared. It doesn’t matter if it’s video, blog articles, infographics or pics. Getting that content shared is what your social media marketing is all about. Creating a buzz about you and your company and driving […]

Are your social media efforts working against you?

Your social media marketing efforts are some of the most important gears in your success machine. But, has it really been working for you? Many small businesses really don’t know how their social media branding efforts are doing. There are some strategies, however, that you must keep in mind and deploy if you are to […]

How do you know if your content is any good?

 This is, quite likely, the most important question your business will face with regard to your overall SEO marketing strategy. Nothing is more important than your content. But, the question is: how do you know if it is any good? Relevance and problem solving The major consideration when deciding on a particular piece of content […]

What every small business owner needs to know right now

 As we continue to plow forward into 2016, there are several factors that are going to have a huge impact on American business in general and small businesses in particular. As with most every presidential election year, the wind shifts for most businesses.  Policies and capital will likely stay tight As with most legislative attempts, […]

Retaining customers may be easier than you think

 Retaining your customer base has always been critical to the survival of your company. Client retention means you will have a dependable cash flow and a solid basis for future planning. Doing just a few simple things, however, can assure that your customer base remains intact. Deliver and manage those expectations One of the things […]