Social media is a slow but sure strategy

Small business and entrepreneurial success can be a steep and slippery road. Risk is everywhere. Social media has become a presence that is not going to fade away into the sunset. It is here to stay and small businesses and entrepreneurs everywhere must learn to harness this marketing potential. It can be a bit intimidating […]

Why your company culture matters

There are those companies out there who seem to be doing everything right. Operating a small business involves so many risks, so many unpredictable factors that what you really need is a company culture that will truly foster success. A successful culture, of course, starts at the top with you. It is you that everyone […]

Why your online marketing might need to pivot

With the economic outlook and situation constantly shifting, many small businesses are adopting more fluid strategies with regard to their online marketing efforts. Trying to remain flexible and adaptable is beginning to look like the sober strategy that must be adopted in order to remain viable. Some recently released data from Hubspot highlights the need […]

Why stress really is your worst enemy

If there is one constant in the world today it is stress. The elevated stress levels for just about everyone these days seems like a simple fact of life that we can’t do anything about. However, some recent research has begun to take a serious look at how stress affects the brain and how it […]

Why your brand identity must be defended

One huge risk factor that many small businesses fail to address adequately is the potential harm that can be done by a disgruntled customer or less than stellar online review or comment. If not addressed forcefully, and immediately, these negative comments can lead to the damage of your brand’s reputation. You have worked hard to […]

Is the remote thing really working?

For the past year and a half, small businesses across the country have had to make serious adjustments and, sadly, many have not survived the whims of the politicians. As retail continues to battle bravely against huge odds, the service oriented companies, and others, are finding that their workforce is now mostly remote. But is […]

Why your social media marketing may not be working

Social media marketing can be a tricky thing as it tends to be fluid and, often, rather unpredictable. Having the knowledge of where the platforms just may be right now can be a huge advantage over your rivals. In some recently compiled data put together by ceoblognation, it can be an easier and bigger picture […]

Small biz to increase video marketing

Video has quickly become one of the best weapons in any marketing arsenal. As we move into the new year, there has been much intel released declaring that small business is prepared to increase its video marketing presence. For those that realize the importance of video marketing, there is no such thing as too much […]

Coming voice and mobile search dominance: are you ready?

As  American small businesses prepare for a somewhat unpredictable new year, one thing does seem certain: voice and mobile search is likely to dominate. Have you prepared your online marketing strategy to take advantage of this opportunity? In some recent marketing data published at review42, the long term effect of voice and mobile search has […]

How to turn potential clients into raving fans

Sure, every small business and consultant is always on the hunt for prospects and new clients but the truly successful ones have one thing in common. Perhaps the most glaring success is that they were not one hit wonders. They were not successful overnight and they never churned and burned regarding clients and customers. The […]