Got a handle on your next Gmail campaign?

gmailGmail has recently turned ten years old and many companies are now just beginning to see opportunity in those Gmail subscribers. One of Gmail’s new innovations is the development of a grid view. Goggle, like other savvy brands and entrepreneurs has discovered the importance that visual engagement is playing with regard to customer retention and future marketing strategies.

 A targeted Gmail email campaign can be a huge boost for your brand and a useful tool in your marketing strategies arsenal. Getting a handle on it, however, can be a bit tricky. Again, images and visuals will dominate 2014 so go into the grid view at Gmail and start experimenting with it. See how you can enhance your message with just the right graphic or photo. Remember, with visual, you are creating a story that will engage the reader.


  • Keep your visuals at the forefront of your marketing strategies. Start with a photo or video clip idea. Stay on top of your competition, also. Know what they are doing and, more importantly, what they are not doing. Deliver what they are not delivering and watch your market share skyrocket.
  • Be relevant in an effort to continue to gain trust and credibility with your subscribers. Try to analyze your current database. Where is everyone? What are their interests? The more you can identify what will drive your potential customer to action, the better. Try and cater to each demographic be it geography, age, or interest.
  • Track your inbox in an effort to gauge your ROI. You have to know what content is getting response and what isn’t. Also, is everyone in your subscriber and actual customer or potential customer? Focus in on those who have the most potential. Again, the goal is to drive traffic and increase your conversion rate. Be as efficient and as lean and mean as possible.
  • Don’t be so attached to your ego. If something is not working, abandon it for a marketing strategy that will work. Ego has no place. Only great ideas, great content and great ROI does. Keep testing and then retesting. Don’t be afraid of a little extra work. Send out those A/B tests. It will be better for you in the long run.
  • Finally, have one set location through which your potential new customer can reply and contact you. Don’t have a million email addresses. Have one specifically set aside to measure the effectiveness of your email marketing strategies. Simplifying these things allows more time to create.