How To: Effectively Use Social Media for Blogs

In need of social media management in NH? SearchPro Systems is the solution for you.

You’ve created a blog and you’re creating great content for it, but no one is reading your posts except for your friends, maybe. What can you do? There’s more to blogs than just creating one using services such as WordPress or Tumblr and creating posts for it. You have to take the time to employ some social media management to attract a following for your blog. Here are some tips to help you do that.

Twitter is not a place to be ignored

One thing to know about Twitter is that the user base is huge. How huge you ask? If Twitter were its own country, it would be the 12th largest in the world. Couple that with the fact that there are 750 tweets posted every second, yes second, of every day, you can imagine how powerful the twitterverse is for your social media management. When tweeting about your blog posts, encourage your followers by using enticing descriptions in 140 characters or less.

Facebook is more than just Likes

Facebook is the largest of the social media sites by sheer volume of users alone. How many users you ask? How about approximately 1.06 billion users in the world? That’s a 6th of the world’s population. That equals a large potential user base for you to get traffic from. These Facebook users could find your blog posts interesting and entertaining. When it comes to Facebook:

  • Create a Fan Page for your blog
  • Blog regularly
  • Promote your blog posts!

Don’t forget about those “other” social media sites

Certain sites like Digg, StumbeUpon, and Pinterest are very similar in nature and very useful for your social media management. These sites allow users to share pretty much anything and allow users to vote them up or down according to interests.

  • Digg employs a rating system where the more “diggs” an article or post gets, the higher the rating for it.
  • StumbleUpon relies on random “stumbles” to bring users to content they wouldn’t normally go to. This can be a great traffic generator for you.
  • Pinterest has been gaining in popularity the past few months and the average user spends a good amount of time there a month. If your blog posts are pinned to the right boards, they will be viewed and re-pinned.

Google+ is Important

Google+ is an often overlooked social media site for many new bloggers that focus on Facebook and Twitter. It shouldn’t be though. Statistics show that the Google+ button is clicked on around five million times per day. This is an important button for you to have on your posts and more importantly, you need to make a Google+ page for your blog. This will only help you in search engine results as Google’s algorithm is moving towards more personalized results that are based off a users Google+ activity. As this in turn, will improve your social media management drastically.