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Need some serious YouTube rank?

posted on January 29, 2018

It is the second largest search engine in the world and it sees more traffic than any other site on the web except for Google and Facebook. YouTube has become a behemoth that businesses of all sizes ignore at their marketing peril. Over 300 hours of video is uploaded to the site every minute and the world watches over one billion hours of YouTube videos every day.

  • Understanding that views, likes, shares and subscribers are the main signposts the social media giant uses with regard to ranking means you must re-evaluate every post you have made and will make. The challenge remains that, according to YouTube itself, only around 9% of American businesses have a YouTube channel and are using it to establish their brand and engage with customers. For business, the leading channel belongs to the Lego company which has garnered over six billion views of its videos. If you want a serious advantage over your rivals, you need a YouTube channel.
  • Viewership is critical as it has been found that people who watch your video all the way through are 23 times more likely to visit your channel, visit your site and watch more of your branded videos. You must also devise a strategy for getting viewers to actually leave a comment. Channels that have comments posted rank higher than those that don’t and the more comments left, the higher the ranking tends to be.
  • Believe it or not, about half of the most watch videos are actually branded commercials for products and services. Longer videos actually draw more views than shorter ones proving that people are willing to invest the time if they are engaged and want to learn more about you. However, the most popular branded videos continue to remain in the 30-60 seconds range. YouTube reports that the highest ranking videos, those landing on the first page of a search, are averaging 14 minutes and 50 seconds.
  • Interestingly, “how to” videos are growing at the astonishing rate of 70% a year which means that people are investing the time in them. Also, let us never ignore mobile as over one billion videos are seen every day on a mobile device. In fact, over half of all seen videos are seen on phones and tablets. Consider going HD as You Tube reports that nearly 70% of the channels that appear on the first page of a search are videos done in HD.

-Written by Kevin Sawyer

written by SearchPro Systems

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