Nothing can be more important to the future success of your business than your SEO efforts. You can’t leave anything to chance anymore and you can’t leave it to the amateurs anymore. You have far too much at stake so right now just may be the ideal time to bring in a professional SEO and marketing firm to take your business to the next level. You can’t do it anymore by yourself because you are growing and far too much of your time is spent trying to manage that growth.
- Perhaps the best reason to hire on the pros is that SEO is no easy thing to get right and to have success at. It is a subtle art and the rules and the trends are as likely to change as the wind direction is at any moment. There is so much involved now, especially since search has made a dramatic shift toward mobile, that you simply will be heavily challenged to keep up and to run your business and manage your growth effectively.
- Google has become the self appointed god of search and what it says is how it will go. They are tweeking and fixing what isn’t broken all of the time and will often keep even the pros in the dark. For instance, did you know that RankBrain has become one of the major factors in search? It was several months before even the pros were alerted to this new factor. Do you even know what that means for your business? The pros make it their business to be abreast of the havoc that Google can cause and can better adapt and pivot strategies to help you get the most from your SEO strategy.
- If it is one thing that the amateurs really don’t understand is that mistakes can seriously hurt and damage your business. The pros know this which is why they have to tools and the knowledge to tread carefully and to do all of the right things. Too many small business owners don’t have any clue with regard to proper backlinking and keyword stuffing continues to seriously damage those businesses that do it. And what of using identical material? What about cloaking? Do you even know what cloaking is? Things can get rather complicated out in SEO land.
- The most significant thing about the pros is that they have the proper tools and the in-depth analytics to ensure that you are getting the ROI you are looking for with your SEO strategy. And, one final advantage to your taking on a professional firm, is that they have the time and the means to track your rivals. Knowing what your competition is up to gives you a huge strategic and intelligence advantage. Bringing in the pros is not a cost. It is an investment in your future.
-Written by Kevin Sawyer