Tips for your Small Company Internet Marketing

Are you in need of small company internet marketing in NH? SearchPro Systems is the solution for you

The goal for any small company in this day of internet dominated business strategies is to gain a foothold anywhere possible and start building a client base. One of the best ways to do this is through Social SEO.

Social SEO is the side of SEO that incorporates social media links and interaction that help build up your website’s search engine ranking. Small company internet marketing isn’t as difficult as it sounds though. It’s all about optimizing your content to appear higher in search engine rankings. Following are some tips to help out with your small company internet marketing.

1. Optimizing starts at your Profiles

For any of your social media profiles to be SEO friendly, you need to be very descriptive in every aspect of them. Those ‘About’ or ‘Information’ sections of social media are a great place to describe your business and place keywords that could lead searches to your social media profiles.

One of the best things you can do for small company internet marketing is to make sure you have a Facebook page and to make sure it is optimized for local searches. You can do this by including your address as part of your information and linking to your website from your Facebook page (and vice versa).

2. Optimizing continues in your Content

Your social content is where you can really generate some SEO for higher search engine rankings. One of the best ways to do this is to include your target keywords in your social media updates. Attempt to associate your business name with those keywords so Google will index the two together. Remember to share content from your website or blog as well in order to give that content an SEO boost.

3. Build Links through Content

One of the factors that goes into small company internet marketing is link building for SEO. You want good, high quality website to website relationships through the power of links. Basically, the more quality sites with inbound links to your website plus you having outbound links to high quality websites will make your website more authoritative in the eyes of Google. The more authority you have the higher search engine rank you’ll have.

The way to build links is to make your content shareable via social media platforms and your own website. Content getting liked, commented on, retweeted, repinned, etc. will help you build links. As people share your content, you’ll start to get more inbound links to your site or social media channels. The more engaging your content, the more improved your SEO score will be.

4. Don’t ignore the power of Pinterest

Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social networks online right now that allows for simple small company internet marketing. It’s fantastic for creating shareable content which can add to your link building strategy. The way Google indexes pages is to index websites with heavy traffic and higher in search engine results. You can use Pinterest’s title boards and board description to boost your target keywords. For every pin you make, you’re also given up to 500 characters to describe it, so use keywords there as well.

Pinterest also allows for customization of a pin’s link, so make sure that link points back to your website, blog, or some other content you’ve created. This will increase your backlinks and will give you a boost in search engine rankings. For SEO purposes, Pinterest is your friend, so don’t forget about it.

5. Use the potential of Google+

Google loves Google+. And Google will love you more for creating and using a Google+ business page. In the ‘About’ section, you can use keywords that describe your business. You also have the ability to create many customized links in your profile; these can point to your website, blog, or other social media channels. By spending some time every day on your Google+ page, you’ll have a better chance to show up in Google’s search engine results.

A Google+ business page isn’t the only place to stop though, you should also create a Google+ local listing page. This is a simple thing to do and it allows customers to connect with your business’s physical location much easier. Place your address, phone number, and hours information and your Google+ local listing is ready to go. Since Google says 97% of consumers search for local businesses online, this can be an important practice to keep up-to-date on.

When it comes to small company internet marketing, keep everything optimized, create high quality content and make it shareable. Explore the use of social media platforms that aren’t Facebook or Twitter to better increase your online presence and SEO value. By following these simple tips, you can boost your small company internet marketing in no time.