prioritizing creativity, value, performance, & Quality

3 great hacks to turn engagement into conversions

posted on March 4, 2016

z223 Driving traffic to your website is one of the first objectives of your overall SEO marketing plan. However, driving traffic isn’t enough.


Give it everything she’s got, Captain

Marketing research confirms that you have less than four seconds to make an impression once someone comes to your site. It must begin with your site design. Simplicity is the key. Too many websites are too busy and distracting. Everything placed on the site must drive conversions or get rid of it.

Too many “graphic designers” think they understand marketing and how to create an effective website. Well, most simply don’t. Make your site as visually stunning as possible. Infographics and videos are the critical keys to both engagement and conversions. Over 95% of the information that humans take in and react to is visual.


Grab ‘em, pull them in and dazzle them

Nearly 25% of all business websites don’t have any sort of headline(s) on them. This is key to your engagement strategy and overall SEO effectiveness. Too many sites have heavy graphics at the top designed by those aforementioned “graphic designers”. The trouble with that is, not only is it needlessly busy, but the search bots and spiders are not going to slog through all of those graphics to get to text to rank you higher on a SERP.

Headlines are all a part of your content marketing. Data supports that fact that 80% of people will read a headline and be lured into the text. Without headlines it doesn’t matter how great your content is because less than 20% will actually take the time to read it. Content, of course, will always be king. You must have plenty of it and it must be useful information to those who come to your site.


Stay mobile and ask for the sale

Those businesses that have not optimized themselves for mobile are doomed. Nearly 70% of all of your potential customers will be trying to access you via a mobile device such as a phone or tablet. Only slightly more than 10% will be coming to you via a desktop computer. Can you afford to miss out on that potential traffic? Also, your calls to action must be everywhere. If you want the sale, you have to ask for it and direct them to where you want them to go. Make it easy for them to buy from you.

-Written by Kevin Sawyer



written by SearchPro Systems

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