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Avoid these serious Google penalties going into the new year

posted on January 13, 2017

Too many small business owners are trying to do their own SEO or are just sending it off into the hands of amateurs that really don’t know what they are doing. SEO has become too complex, too full time, for you to not leave it properly attended to. There are also SEO services and marketing firms out there that are not keeping up with what the search god Google has been up to of late.

Having your site penalized by Google for not playing by their search rules will not be helpful to you in either the short or the long run. A penalty by Google means a loss in rank and, if customers and/or clients see that you have been penalized, a loss in reputation. You simply can’t leave your SEO marketing strategies to just anyone. You need to be on top of it all the time.

Here are some bad moves you don’t want to make or you will, indeed, feel the wrath of Google:

Your links are, perhaps, one of the most critical components to your overall SEO success. You must avoid the link farms and you must avoid buying your links. All the link farms will do is sell you a list of sites that will backlink to you. Sure, there will be plenty of them but they will, most likely, be suspect. You may see an quick boost in your rankings but Google’s bots and spiders will catch up and you will get hammered.

You must build your links yourself. You must link to reputable sites that will link back to you. That is the credibility you need and the credibility Google is looking for. This year’s SEO strategies will greatly circle around getting proper and legitimate links. You must be aware of anyone that is buying links for you. They will get you some immediate results but will destroy your credibility in the long run.

Links will be critical to your reputation and your SEO ranking this year. Check the sites you are linking to and check those that are linking to you. You can’t afford to get this wrong.

-Written by Kevin Sawyer

written by SearchPro Systems

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