In business, and in life, credibility is something to be taken seriously. Far too many small businesses are not taking the time to consider if their website is both viable as well as credible. For potential customers and clients to take your site, and your business, seriously, the credibility must be in place The essence of credibility lies in trust, people feeling comfortable with you as well as them feeling that you will honestly be worth their time and their money. So, how too ensure all of this happens at your website?
- Your design is critical to your overall look and thus to your credibility. You cannot leave the design of your site to yourself or any other amateur. It is far too important. Make sure it is easy for people to find you and to contact you. It is shocking the number of sites one can visit and not easily find out where the heck the business is and where one might find a telephone number.
- Your home page must display all of the content and information that your visitor is expecting to see. They have a problem and think you can solve it for them so welcome them in at the very start of their journey. Speak plainly and conversationally. No slang or industry jargon. Get too haughty and they are leaving. Get too technical and they are leaving. Oh, and incompetent grammar and spelling errors and they are leaving.
- Don’t use stock photos. Show people your company, your office, your teams. Videos are even better. Stock photos will not help you to establish trust. Use good camera and video equipment. Nothing that may smack of amateurish. Have a client list and reviews posted. Don’t be afraid to quote prices and have specific and detailed product and service information. Be upfront. If not, people may think their is something not quite right, something possibly deceptive.
- Links to other reputable firms that you have done business with or who may be able to help your visitors should be included as should any awards and case studies. Forget pop-ups. People hate them yet somehow they are still being used. Display your social media platforms. People find a business credible if it has a social media presence.
-Written by Kevin Sawyer