prioritizing creativity, value, performance, & Quality

Online leads not turning into sales? Here’s why…

posted on August 12, 2016


Everyone that visits your website should be, ideally, turned into a conversion. Traffic, and especially specific leads, are simply too valuable to you and your business to not be taken advantage of and converted into revenue. The very fact that you have the traffic coming in means your SEO and marketing strategies are working. Now, you just need to stop making those costly mistakes that are costing you sales.

  • The first mistake entrepreneurs make with regard to their SEO generated online leads is to expect that the lead doesn’t actually need to be sold. They think just because someone wanders into their site off world wide web street that they will instantly see the value in their product or service. Assuming you realize the need, as a business owner, to understand and develop sales skills, you will further understand that everyone needs to be sold every time they come in with questions. Questions means they are interested in buying. Prospects are rarely sold the first time. Get their info and then follow up until you have them. They are not satisfied customers yet so don’t treat them as such.
  • One of the biggest mistakes made by entrepreneurs is to wrongly assume that the person who is reaching out is the decision maker for the potential customer or client. Most times they are not. The decision maker has directed them to contact you. So many waste their time trying to sell someone that has no power to pull the sales trigger. If you are dealing with a company that has at least 100 employees, there could be several middle managers you may have to wade through. Don’t do it. Don’t waste your time. Find out who the decision maker is and target them relentlessly.
  • Finally, you need to open up several areas of attack and approach. If you think you are going to make a sale by constantly sending emails, you had best hire yourself a professional sales person who knows what they are doing. There are many avenues of communication open to you these days. Use them all. Get in front of that decision maker and make the sale. The future of your company depends upon it.

-Written by Kevin Sawyer

written by SearchPro Systems

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