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Site design hacks that will increase your engagement

posted on February 7, 2018

Your SEO, your inbound marketing and your social media marketing efforts are all designed to drive traffic to your website. So, what happens after that traffic gets there? Are you driving them to the checkout? Are you making consistent conversions? If not, there may be some design challenges associated with your overall website. The only reason your website exists is to make conversions. If it is doing anything other than that, including chasing potential customers and clients away, then perhaps it is time to re-evaluate your overall design.

  • Your design is everything and what will ultimately determine your success. Color and flow are major considerations. You should test your colors, especially the colors of your “buy now” buttons. Many companies have made a simple color change to their buttons and have seen a rise in conversions. Your site must flow with calls to action everywhere. Also, more white space enhances readability and lessens confusion.
  • No one cares how great you are so leave your ego in the coat closet. People only care about how you are going to improve their lives or how you are going to solve a problem for them. If your site is heavy with self inflation, people will likely just leave. Allow satisfied and happy customers and clients to tell the world how great you are. Testimonials, especially video ones, will make a huge impact on your conversions.
  • How are you better than your rivals? What is what’s called your unique selling position? You need to know that. It is the heart of your company, your vision and, ultimately, your future sales. Incorporate some logos throughout your site that will inspire trust. Such logos from the Better Business Bureau, your local chamber of commerce, Yelp and even PayPal will inspire confidence in your brand without your visitors even realizing it.
  • Video explanations and commercials may be your best weapon for conversions along with engaging and electrifying headlines. Video will quickly make or break small companies in the future. It is a weapon to be wielded knowledgeably by people with the experience, and the skill, to make video presentations effective for you. Discounts and freebies must be liberally sprinkled throughout your site. They will become the extra motivation needed for people to pull that trigger. Also, don’t make people have to fill out ridiculously long forms just to buy your product or service. As long as you have their email address, you have a way to keep in touch with them and motivate them to come back and to spread the word to their social network. Finally, when nearly 80% of all online shoppers abandon their shopping carts before reaching the checkout, can you really afford not to keep taking second looks at your site design?

-Written by Kevin Sawyer

written by SearchPro Systems

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