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Is all that social media data really worth anything?

posted on October 12, 2016


One of the most significant parts of your overall SEO marketing is, of course, social media. You need it and you need to be out there. If not, you are missing out on a substantial amount of potential traffic and opportunities to establish some solid brand awareness. Data and analytics, too, play a critical role in determining what is working and what is not working for in your SEO tactics. But, in the long run, is all of the data gathered out at your social media platforms really worth anything to you or your marketing team?

It seems to be a yes and no situation. Yes, it’s great that you are able to determine and study the feedback but is the quality of the evaluation helpful in your moving forward? The one thing that can be said for social media is that at least it has the possibilities of receiving feedback and comments where other SEO areas are tougher to gather data on.

Feedback, of course, is important to everyone, not just the business owner. You really need to see and to understand how you and your business are doing out there. Are people even responding to your brand and, if so, how exactly? How can all of this data and feedback help you to get better and to more efficiently deliver your product and services to as any people as possible?

The unfortunate side of the social media data gathering is that you aren’t getting much, if any, at all. This can especially plague those single entrepreneurs who may find that their social media marketing efforts seem to be falling on deaf ears all around. It may not be much some times, but at least social media can tell you how you are doing at a particular stage in your game.

The stats, though, can tell you how a particular social media platform is performing for you but it really can’t tell you if you would be better off putting your SEO resources somewhere else. All of this info may look great to you but is it really worth it to you in the end? Do you continue to do it just because every other business in the world is doing it?

While social media marketing has proven effective and important, only you can really decide if it is getting your brand where you really need it, and want it, to be.

-Written by Kevin Sawyer

written by SearchPro Systems

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