prioritizing creativity, value, performance, & Quality

How to use Twitter to generate some serious leads

posted on May 25, 2016


When business owners, large and small, list their biggest challenge these days, marketing survey after marketing survey reports that the challenge is finding leads. One of the best ways you can generate more leads everyday is to use Twitter to your full advantage. If your social media marketing and SEO are going to be effective for you, you need to establish a serious presence out there. Probably the most effective way to generate leads is to solve somebody’s problem.

Find the pain and then heal it

Just start with a plain old tweet that simply asks your potential clients and customers exactly what their biggest problem is. See what you get back for data. You may have to do some follow up intel gathering but see how the initial question goes. Then once that is established, show them how you have a product or a service that will solve their problem. Explain, or show with a video, exactly how you can help them. Create a strong call to action and drive them to your home page. Better still, dedicate a separate landing page specifically for this social media marketing effort through Twitter.

Gather data and keep solving

The landing page that you have specifically set up for your Twitter responses will be free of any navigation buttons or other distractions. You are offering these potential leads a free report or access to a free video that will further explain their problem and demonstrate how you are going to help them solve it. Make sure they have to give you all of their basic contact info, especially their email, in order to receive the free offer.

You have used the landing page just to get them to fill out the info you need to start a prolonged email campaign. After you have received their info, simply have a “thank- you and enjoy” button that will send them to where they may view the video or download the report. After that, just keep tweeting out the same message and drive people to your video or report. Then, construct your email program in such a way as it drives them to your home page where you should be optimized to make the conversion. This is a process you can keep using effectively to generate leads over the long term.

-Written by Kevin Sawyer

written by SearchPro Systems

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