prioritizing creativity, value, performance, & Quality

Ways your marketing will need to pivot this year

posted on January 24, 2018

While things have appeared somewhat quiet on the marketing and advertising front for a while, things are about to heat up. The search gods at Google have been quiet for too long with regard to SEO and the social media landscape has been exploding and morphing for the last year or so. So, what should you and your advertising and marketing team be on the lookout for the next several months?

  • Privacy will continue to be a major battle front for your SEO and social media marketing in particular. Most of the younger generations want everything for free and have been furiously trying to block ads from being seen. According to some of the most recent research, ad blocker usage has climbed over 30% in just the last twelve months alone.
  • Video usage, especially live video feeds, will continue to make huge inroads out on social media and elsewhere. Live video is on the rise and is garnering tremendous audiences everywhere. Facebook announced recently that live video has been getting three times the views as pre-recorded video and comments are jumping ten times what they are for traditional pre-recorded video. Running live video is where the eyes are going to be for the foreseeable future so start planning now.
  • Finally, artificial intelligence has been arriving for some time now and most marketing people around the world know that AI will be firmly entrenched within the next four to five years which is going to cause significant re-thinking all across the advertising and marketing landscape. AI will begin to become heavily integrated in marketing strategies in the future and it just may prove to produce greater ROI with much less time involved in the deploying of marketing assets.

-Written by Kevin Sawyer


written by SearchPro Systems

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