prioritizing creativity, value, performance, & Quality

Why your content is not driving traffic

posted on September 30, 2022

Even through the volatility of these challenging times, your SEO content strategy must be the one constant that keeps your company ahead of your rivals. As SEO strategies continue to change and evolve, so must your long term content strategy. In a recent research report, Hubspot has highlighted the importance of a solid content strategy and how it may strengthen your overall SEO efforts. The following is taken directly from that published research:

  • In our survey of 1,091 global internet users, we’ve found people have dramatically increased content consumption on the three most popular social networks in the last two years: Facebook (+57% increase), Twitter (25% increase), and LinkedIn (21% increase). These networks have notably doubled down on content in the past few years to capture and retain the attention of their users — and it appears the playbook is working.

  • These browsing habits will require content distribution approaches that many business have not yet undertaken — spreading out their content onto different platforms instead of hosting it on their website. We’re finding where consumers go, content has followed, whether it’s dispersed to a social network or consumed through mobile aggregators.
  • We asked our respondents what they tend to skim and what they read or watch thoroughly. Not surprisingly, video was listed as the type of content people pay close attention to, followed by social media posts, and news articles. Blog posts, interactive tools, and long form content are more likely to be skimmed by readers.

  • To gauge people’s browsing habits, we asked respondents what they considered their primary device to access the internet. An impressive 33% said their primary device was their phone. Coupled with tablets, 44% of our survey respondents are access websites and content using devices running a mobile OS. Mobile users also seek more social media and video content. They’re less likely to want long form content, podcasts, or research.
  • Tying back to the demand for video content, 45% of our survey respondents watch an hour or more of video content on Facebook and YouTube a week. Our data shows most people pay close attention to video, which means savvy marketers can leverage videos to put out powerful, high quality content that speaks for their brand offerings.

  • But while there has been a lot of focus on millennial behavior, a third of older generations are watching an hour or more of content on Youtube a week. Clearly, watching online video is not just a millennial pastime. People of all ages are consuming video content for significant periods of time today. Marketers who invest in producing quality video content today are best positioned to get the undivided attention of many people online.

-Written by Kevin Sawyer

written by SearchPro Systems

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