Video – Most Effective SEO Content?

Posted on October 7, 2010 in Video Optimization, Video SEO

We all know how popular YouTube has become since its creation in 2005.  There are currently MILLIONS of videos on YouTube, and millions of people are viewing them every day.  Of course, not all of them are related to businesses, but hundreds of thousands of them are, and that’s where VSEO comes in.  A business who is employing VSEO strategies wants their company’s YouTube video to rank at the top of Google searches.

As we know, social media is an extremely important aspect of a company’s marketing strategies, and YouTube videos can be posted on Facebook to marry the two.  Doing so gives all of your Facebook fans a direct path to your YouTube video, and as always, each time that video is viewed, your ranking on search engines improves.

But is a YouTube video post the best way to post information about your company?  Are people really more likely to watch a video than they are to read content, look at photos or graphics, check out Webinars, etc.?  According to a recent study by MarketingSherpa, the effectiveness of a video post far outranks that of any other content.  So, what we’ve all been suspecting appears to be true, YouTube and other video forums have become so popular that we may as well take advantage of them and feed people what they want . . . videos!

It is important to remember that videos shouldn’t be the only content your company releases.  A cohesive press release of videos, text, graphics, photos, etc. will benefit your company in all aspects of SEO and not just VSEO.

These combination press releases should be spread across several platforms as well, in order to increase your search engine ranking.  Your company’s website should have a combination as well as your Facebook wall, your Tweets, and even your YouTube videos (writing an informative description of your video can increase the effectiveness of your video).  So get to work, and to maximize your SEO and VSEO efforts, always utilize all information portals and always fill them with videos as well as other varied content!  Good luck!