Just a few reasons why your Facebook marketing is a big fail

In the last the last ten years of Facebook’s existence, many small businesses have found that their social media marketing strategies have been working quite well regarding the social media giant. Others, however, are just not seeing the traffic and the conversions they are looking for from their Facebook marketing. Here are just a few reasons why those Facebook efforts are a big fail.

  • Perhaps the first big mistake many small businesses make is to simply have a profile page. The problem is that Facebook’s Insights tool is not available for use on a profile page. You must have a separate Facebook page for your business. It is the only way you can properly compete with your rivals and to effectively reach the audience you are looking to drive to your site.
  • Too many small businesses just throw up a couple of quick updates everyday thinking that they are doing what needs to be done to succeed at social media marketing. You are trying to build your brand and drive traffic to your site so that your site can make those conversions. You must have a content strategy and, intricately linked to that strategy, is a schedule for postings.
  • One fail that far too many small businesses make is that they don’t engage with their Facebook fans and audience. This is critical to your success out there because it allows you to be gathering data so that you can determine a strategy that will drive traffic. Engagement out in social media land, and especially at Facebook, means intelligent conversation designed to extend your brand awareness and not an attempt to make the hard sell every time you chat with someone. Because of this failure to gather intelligence and inspire brand loyalty, these businesses are wasting time and money with too many promotions and poorly targeted advertising. Their ads become too broad a swath of demographic and they end up wasting valuable time and money trying to appeal to people that will never buy from them. Social media marketing is far too important to the future of your business to leave it to amateurs or to not give it the full attention that it needs to be shown.

-Written by Kevin Sawyer