SEO Tips for the new month

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You want your website to rank higher on search engine results but you don’t know how to make that happen. Your competitors are ranking higher than you and you don’t know why. Your products aren’t showing up on search engine results either and you don’t know why. Here are some SEO tips to help raise your page ranking to increase your internet marketing presence.

1. Good Content: A key point to raising search engine ranking is to have good, interesting content that has your target keywords in it, but is also written with your audience in mind. Generic marketing copy isn’t going to hold an audience’s attention for long and you’ll lose visitors. Quality content is what keeps users coming back to a website, so keep that in mind when writing for your site.

2. Website URL: Your website link is what users click on or type in when going to your site and will be seen hundreds of thousands of times. The name of your website is a very important thing to consider. It can’t just be stuffed with keywords though, that will harm you more than it will help you. It takes more than a keyword laden site name to get you higher rankings.

3. Placement of Keywords: Graphics can’t be used to depict your keywords and key search phrases. Search engine bots don’t recognize graphics or pictures when crawling on your website, only text. This will require you to place your target keywords in the alt tags of the pictures.

4. Title: The title of your page can be very important as it is what search engines see first when ranking your website. Keyword stuffing isn’t necessary here either.

5. Menus: Your website should have easy to use navigation menus for your users so they don’t get lost on your site. Make sure these menus hold the title of your page as well to keep things consistent.

6. Keyword Choice: Using the most common keywords in your industry will get you no where. They’re too competitive and it will be too hard to rank for them. Make sure to go for target keywords that are a bit more focused and niche in your business. Include your location in these keywords as well.

7. Links: Don’t have a bunch of unnecessary links on your website; make sure to keep relevant page links close to the homepage. This will increase your PageRank on Google.

8. Stay Updated: Search engines like a site that stays updated and will rank sites higher because of it. Keep content fresh and relevant not only to make search engines happy but to also keep your audience coming back.

A proper SEO campaign can help get your website and your company on track to increase your internet exposure and increase your customer base. Following these tips will help you promote your website, get it ranked on search engines, and help with your internet marketing.