Why your microcopy is more important than ever

z157As your SEO and online marketing strategy becomes more and more sophisticated, it is easy to forget about those things that matter just as much but are rarely given a second thought. Your online marketing strategies have begun to work and you are driving traffic to your site. What is everyone finding there? It is your microcopy. It is that content that enables your visitors to easily navigate and, hopefully, easily become customers.

  •  Your site’s microcopy encompasses everything from your Terms of Use to trying to explain to your customers how they need to pay for a product or service. All of this is crucial to your success as research continues to show that the number one reason, by far, that people leave a website is that they can’t navigate around easily enough.
  • While the bulk of your microcopy will be found on the your home page as well as your About Us page, the rest of your website’s text must be crafted toward the only reason anyone ever comes to your site and that is to buy something.
  • Your microcopy has to persuade visitors with a certain call to action just as any great sales copy will. Everything you write has to gently direct your visitors toward the action you want them to take. Your microcopy is there to, not only persuade, but to build brand trust. People have to trust you or they will not buy from you.
  • One of the most important ways your microcopy can enhance trust is at your checkout. PayPal recently released and online survey they took when they asked over 15,000 people how they felt about online transactions. Nearly half of the respondents replied that they are not that comfortable doing transactions online. They still don’t believe it is safe. It is here that your microcopy can work its magic by holding their hand and trusting you to help them make the right decision.
  • You must take the time to be a customer yourself. Go out and try to buy something from your website or sign up for that exciting email newsletter of yours. When you see how your customers may become confused or dismayed, that is the time to take renewed action and find those words that will compel them to action.