Social Media Management | How Influencers Affect the Bottom Line
You’ve heard of them, but are influencers worth the time and investment to your brand? Here’s a closer look.
Your social media customer service will make you or break you
There is nothing more critical to your survival as a business than the customer service skills of your employees. Those business owners that do not properly train every one of their employees with regard to this crucial skill will find themselves without a business in a rather short period of time. The most effective way […]
Is your brand consistent across all of your platforms?
Is your brand consistent across all of your social media platforms? Is everyone out in social media land getting the same message about you and your company? You can’t leave anything to chance these days. Especially contact and engagement with customers or clients. Every single interaction must count for something. Every contact must drive traffic […]
Just a few tweeks to boost your social media success
Is your social media marketing giving you the ROI you want? The challenge always seems to be that business owners simply don’t take the time to design a plan with their SEO pros and marketing teams that is specific about where they want to be and how they intend to get there. This is especially […]
Want to double your social media traffic? Here’s how…
Social media still remains one of the best ways to drive traffic and to convert new customers. However, too many small companies are focusing all of their energies at driving traffic and building a following only. Often, this will lead to a serious decline in overall quality at your sites and will, in the end, […]
Some social media hacks you need to be doing right now
Few things are as important these days to the survival of your business than your social media marketing. What are you doing about it? Do you have a professional team hard at work on it or do you have your 12 year old nephew doing it because he has a Facebook page? It is time […]
Will Facebook’s new emojis alter your social marketing?
Facebook has added five new emojis to their lineup in addition to their tradition “like” button. These new “feelings” characters may just affect the way you approach your SEO and your social media marketing in the future. What does all of this mean? The five new added reactions include Love, Angry, HaHa, Sad and Wow. […]
Social media blunders that are really killing you
Social media marketing is an intricate part of your SEO marketing strategy as well it should be. However, too many small businesses are making too many blunders and mistakes out there and it is costing them traffic and revenue. Here are a few you are likely making right now. Stop posting the same kind of […]
How to get enormous traffic returns with these Pinterest strategies
One the major players on the social media scene is Pinterest. You can nail some huge traffic gains from this social media giant with solid social media marketing strategies as well as using certain strategies that will only apply with Pinterest. The first thing you really need to do is to determine if Pinterest is […]
Does your Facebook page need a boost?
Your social media marketing is one of the most important parts of your business. These days, the success or failure of your business may very well depend on the activity you generate through your social media marketing. Your Facebook page must be your premier social media platform simply because of the sheer volume of potential […]