Vine Catching Up to YouTube and What it Means for Your VSEO

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Twitter’s six second video sharing app, Vine, has been quite the hit this year after being introduced to iOS devices in January and then to Android devices earlier this month. Socialbakers did a study recently comparing the engagement rates of Vine compared to YouTube to the percentage of embedded links the two have in tweets. An engagement score consists of shares, likes, favorites, click through rate, and re-tweets.

Vine since its release upon the public has made leaps and bounds upon the YouTube juggernaut in terms of engagement score, and is constantly gaining percentage-wise on it. Total tweets with YouTube embeds still far outnumber tweets with Vine embeds, but YouTube has been around much longer.

The study shows that due to the overwhelming shift to mobile devices has basically been the biggest reason why Vine has been so popular. The app is easy to download and apply to Twitter. The most surprising bit is that Vine has only been available for around six months and now that it’s been added to the Google Play Store for Android devices, its engagement score should increase.

The Socialbakers study found that at least 66 percent of mobile users like to tweet about brands, with 44 percent of those on iOS devices vs. 20 percent on Android devices. That 20 percent will help increase that engagement score even more in the next few months.

The Vine app has been used for VSEO (Video Search Engine Optimization) purposes to great effect by many different brands and companies. It’s been used to preview a longer video, show a new product, tease a new game or movie, or find a way to tell a story in a very short amount of time.

So what does this mean for your VSEO? Like any company, you have to jump on the hot trend and get on the Vine bandwagon. This is an increasingly popular video app that has shown to be a contender for social media video based marketing. It’s easily embedded in Twitter, which can increase your VSEO, click through rates, and overall SEO score. If your company isn’t trying to use Vine in any marketing campaigns in the next few months, then expect to be left behind by those companies that are.