Why are nearly half of all small businesses not using social media?

z128As stunning as it may seem, recent research has revealed that nearly half of all small businesses in the United States are not using social media for anything. A recent survey of 350 small businesses throughout the country by a leading online research firm concluded that 47% of the companies they talked to don’t use social media and have no immediate plans to do so.

  •  About 53% of those small companies were found to use social media marketing strategies as an intricate part of their business model. About 45% of them have structured SEO strategies and about a quarter of them are actively engaged in online advertising and marketing efforts.
  • Active and ongoing social media marketing has proven highly effective for those companies that deploy it. Not only is it a great way to establish trust and brand awareness, but an effective way to recruit new customers and clients.
  • Search has become extremely fractured and niche oriented of late especially with the Millennials and the Gen Yers. Facebook has been making strong moves of late with regard to establishing its own search engine and the success of it may soon endanger Google’s dominance. As more and more searches are focusing on peer opinion, social media in general, and Facebook in particular, is beginning to take on greater importance to the generations that prefer to do everything online with their mobile phones.
  • About 40% of the small businesses surveyed planned on increasing their budgets for social media marketing while the remaining 60% were either holding pat with tired strategies that really aren’t working or they plan to do nothing at all in the social media marketing realm.
  • Enlightening and helpful content will always be the key to success as will thoughtful and helpful engagement. Small businesses must know where their customers are coming from and the demographics that they must likely pursue well into the future. Social media marketing affords the small business an opportunity to establish themselves, gain ground on rivals, and recruit new customers without having to break the bank to do so.

-Written by Kevin Sawyer