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There are few more important concerns for today’s business than customer service. It is so fiercely competitive out there that how you, and your staff, treat a client or customer may very well tip the balance in your quest to survive and thrive. Customer retention is so vital to your survival that there is an […]

There can be nothing of more critical importance to your brand and your marketing strategy than making certain that you, and your site, are fully optimized for mobile. Mobile has been making a tremendous amount of noise lately and it will only grow louder. If you are not optimized for it, you will be missing […]

Small businesses today can take immediate social media marketing advantage of Twitter and get those 140 characters working away like 140 of Santa’s most industrious elves. Many of the top brands out there are successfully leveraging the twittersphere to build their brands, drive traffic, and increase conversions.  Establishing you and your company is foremost so you […]

So, thinks have been going well and you have decided it might be time to reach out to the largest country in the world with a social media campaign. Social media in China is not the same as it is in America or much of the Western world. The mindset is different and the agendas […]

Social media can be a huge boost to a company or a brand with regard to awareness. Awareness, when done properly can drive traffic to your site. However, it has become more and more apparent that most brands and companies just don’t seem to have any sort of coherent plan for taking advantage of the […]

Google+ has been making a serious run at being a major player on the social media scene and will continue to do so. It would be in the best interest of your company and brand to, not only be out there, but to have a more effective strategy for attracting followers and driving traffic. Google+, […]

Men and women are surely different in most ways despite what the mainstream media might infer. The genders view the world differently and tend to think about things differently. This has been brought home by some recent research coming out of Nielsen and Pew Research. The findings are significant with regard to how men and […]

As 2014 continues to roll along, there have been certain trends developing out there in social media land that every company and brand needs to be aware of. Staying on top of what will make you effective in the social media jungle need to be priority number one for you. Twitter and Google+ will continue […]

Posted on May 12, 2014 in internet marketing

Every business knows that they must continue to generate new customers while retaining as much of their base as possible. The problem is, however, how to do this? How to generate more traffic and increase conversion rates? Staying on top of this can be a huge challenge and the challenge gets steeper and more intense […]

When it comes to social media, Facebook appears to be the king. Everyone, it seems is out there be they average people or brands looking to increase their engagement and propel their bottom line ever upward. The problem lately is that engagement numbers have been dropping like the proverbial lead balloon at Facebook. Have ads […]