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Most small business owners think they have a handle on their website design. They may even have a vaunted “graphic designer” who tells them this is how their site needs to look. Unfortunately, neither the small business owner, or the “graphic designer”, knows anything about marketing and how to effectively design a site so that […]

You know your social media marketing efforts are critical to your overall success.  You know your looking to build your brand awareness and drive traffic. But what about generating actual leads from your social media efforts?  Launch your lead generation strategy at your top sites like Twitter and Facebook. You will need to take a […]

Gaining a following on social media does not have to be such a complicated endeavor. Some patience, some due diligence, and some consistency are, basically, all you really need.  The major focus of your social media marketing campaign is to drive traffic to your site. That is the only reason for its existence. If it […]

Inbound marketing can play a key role in your overall online marketing strategy. What exactly is inbound marketing? It is the use of various outlets such as social media, blogs, video, webinars, and email campaigns to drive traffic to your site. One of the major advantages of the online marketing strategy of inbound marketing is […]

Posted on June 24, 2014 in SEO

Most small business owners give little or no thought to a content marketing strategy. When they do this, they risk being irrelevant and they risk losing important SEO opportunities.  In the beginning, your content marketing strategy must go with as much quantity as possible. You have to establish a publishing schedule where you are posting […]

The latest research indicates that there around 350 new blogs established every minute of every day. So, how do you get your content in front of potential customers? How to you get noticed? How to you establish trust? Most people today are extremely influenced by reviews and the experiences of others with regard to a […]

The importance of social media to the continued growth and success of your business cannot be overestimated. Today, if you do not have a social media marketing strategy designed to drive traffic, then you will quickly be left behind. The major players, of course, have to be covered. Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest are […]

Mobile marketing is here and it will be here for a long time to come. What research and data is beginning to reveal is that your mobile marketing needs to get as personal as possible. If not, you are headed straight for the trash bin.  This past April, the Interactive Advertising Bureau released data signaling […]

The coming dominance of video needs no introduction. If you have not begun to integrate video into your content and social media marketing, you need to and you need to quickly. Over the next couple of years, video will dominate the Web and account for nearly 70% of all traffic. So, where do you really […]

Most companies pay a heavy price when they give their potential male audience little or no consideration. The young male audience, those in the 25-45 year old range, are extremely active online especially out at the search engines and the social media sites. You will ignore this segment at great peril to your bottom line. […]