internet marketing

Does the mindset and overall well being of your employees really make a difference to the success or failure of your company? The answer these days seems to be a resounding yes. The long term performance of your business is directly related to how your employees are treated. Some new research from Indeed and Forrester […]

As a rather uncertain, and even chaotic, economy is winding down the year, small businesses have begun turning their attention to the holiday season and trying to figure out what might work for the upcoming year. There just may be a possible secret weapon that you may want to expand on that may make a […]

Even through the volatility of these challenging times, your SEO content strategy must be the one constant that keeps your company ahead of your rivals. As SEO strategies continue to change and evolve, so must your long term content strategy. In a recent research report, Hubspot has highlighted the importance of a solid content strategy […]

With the economy continuing to be anyone’s guess, it seems that this holiday season may be a critical time for many small businesses. While intelligence gathering is always an ongoing process, it is often a huge advantage if you can predict and act. This upcoming holiday season could be a make or break point for […]

So, what exactly is a bounce rate and why is it such a critical metric? Bounce rate tells you how long a visitor is staying on a page and if you have provided them with enough interest to keep exploring your site. If you are not providing the interest then they will quickly “bounce” away […]

The challenges you face everyday as an entrepreneur and small business owner can be quite daunting. Running a small company isn’t just about you and your product or service. It is, also, about your employees. If you can bring them in, get them to work as a team, get them to understand that they are […]

One prevalent risk today that is generally ignored by most entrepreneurs and small business owner’s is that of their reputation especially their online reputation. What is most important in this regard is how to handle this risk across several platforms. Your reputation is affected online mostly through consumer comments and your social media elements. Customer […]

Sadly, when it comes to a long term and effective social media strategy, too many small businesses are falling behind. Many don’t consider social media to be a consistent strategy for both driving traffic and securing conversions. Social media continues to evolve quickly these days and those companies that don’t keep up might find themselves […]

As times become ever more challenging for everyone, especially for small businesses, severe challenges continue to arise that could threaten the survival of many small companies. Is your company poised to see the challenges and respond to them so that your business emerges that much stronger? In some recently published data, the US Chamber of […]

There is always much talk regarding the real impact of social media influencers. Are they really worth the time to recruit and, as importantly, are they worth a chunk of your marketing budget? It does appear as if it just may be worth the effort for a small business to take on a social media […]