
One of the most challenging, and difficult, things someone can do is start a successful business. Despite the daunting survival statistics, many actually do make it and go on to be successful. What separates those that make it from those that don’t? In some new research compiled by Firstsiteguide, the reasons seem to become more […]

Why do some small businesses succeed, and thrive, while others struggle and die within a couple of years? The answer is rather simple. Those businesses that thrive and overcome risk are led not managed. Leaders are far above mere managers, or worse, simple bosses. You may not have been born a natural leader but you […]

What often separates us from what we want is our ability to be mentally tough; our ability to stay focused on a goal until it is reached. It’s being able to perform under pressure. It’s being able to face certain fears and demons and stare them down. Most people, however, tend to avoid conflict. They […]

Does the design of your company’s website really matter? Actually, the design of your website can be crucial with regard to your company’s overall growth and success. Unfortunately, too many small businesses take a do it yourself approach which can actually be hurting them with regard to instilling confidence in potential customers. Some recent data […]

Optimizing your SEO efforts to focus on local search has never been more at the forefront than it is now. One current observation is that voice search, via mobile devices,  looks to dominate the local search landscape for the foreseeable future. Are you ready? Some recently published research conducted by FinancesOnline seems to be bringing […]

Swift adaptation to new business realities can be a winning strategy for today’s small business. To stay competitive, a small business needs to know where they are and where they need to go. One of the swiftly changing benchmarks these days is the state of ecommerce. Adapting to its continuing strength is the key to […]

The challenges you face everyday as an entrepreneur and small business owner can be quite daunting. Running a small company isn’t just about you and your product or service. It is, also, about your employees. If you can bring them in, get them to work as a team, get them to understand that they are […]

Are customers and clients actually changing the way businesses are approaching social media? Has there been a not so obvious shift in how social media campaigns are being created and launched? Are there social media platforms that are being ignored and dismissed despite evidence that your customers and potential customers are out there using a […]

Customer experience, or CX, has become a central and vital cog in the small business success machine. Communication with current and future customers has never been more important yet too many companies are not concentrating on it as they should. Especially when it comes to mobile operations and customer interaction and support. In some recently […]

When it comes to your business, failure is not an option. However, with all of the uncertainty and potential instability of these challenging times, it can get somewhat tricky to know in which direction to turn. As you continue to assess and optimize both your business and your marketing, it is critical to know where […]